Thank You!!!

This site would not be possible without the sharing, guidance, and encouragement of several people. I must give credit where credit is due! Click on the links below to view their sites.

Jim World Free Site Templates & Laura-K's Template: Jim World Free Site Templates is wonderful! It is a great source, especially for teachers who want a web template to spice up their site. Thanks Jim World and Laura-K. for making this site look good! The web template used on this site is copyrighted and designed by Laura-K.

My Parents: Kenneth and Anita Hokanson, a Wyoming cowboy + a British national = me! I should thank my sisters, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, in-laws, nephews, and niece too!!! Oh yea, and my pets (some of which were cattle and horses)!

My Teachers and Professors: Mrs. Nelson got me started in Kindergarten and what a start it was! She taught me to love learning. There have been many great teachers in my life. A special thanks to Gale Haderlie for letting me use those new Apple IIe computers! I've been intrigued ever since.

My Students: Thank you to all my past and present students for challenging me to find creative ways to teach. Thanks for testing my web pages, pointing out mistakes, finding links, coming up with new ways of doing things with technology (plus reminding me that a piece of paper and a pencil can still do some fantastic things), and for being in my class! Thanks for always trying and never giving up.

Gary Berger: This gentleman has helped me so much in integrating technology in the classroom. He is a true genius, and a special education director in Arizona. The original author of the HyperStudio tutorials and vocabulary sheets on my U.S. History site.

Gary Hancock: My trusted technology director who keeps the computers running in the school district. Thank you for your support and all the goodies!

Kem Cazier: A wonderful principal and friend. Still likes me as a colleague even though I was not an ideal student when I sat in his classroom!

Brad Bowerman: The original author of many of the online tutorials on my geography site. Mr. Bowerman teaches in Pennsylvania, and has helped my and many other students succeed in social studies classes around the world!

Ed Connell: A social studies teacher in Georgia that has been gracious enough to share tutorials he has created.

Janice Newlin: A teacher in Georgia who is making a great start in incorporating technology in the classroom and on the web.

Star Valley Middle School Team 7: Julie Aagard, Ron Hyde, Lauri Cunningham, Kelly Barnhart, and Ruth Ann Jensen, and former members Shain Saberon (a webmaster himself!), Tiffany Dobler, Michelle Cole, Trish Gardner, and Lauri Coates. These are the people that I work with day in and day out. They are superior colleagues, and our students are better off because of ALL that this team does every single day.

Star Valley Middle School Staff: A wonderful group of people that work hard everyday. Except for that one;)!!!

University of Wyoming Adult Learning & Technology Department: The professors and my fellow students have helped me learn and grow in so many ways since beginning my master's program in the Fall of 2004.

My Family: Last but not least - THANK YOU to my wife Dianna, and children: Hannah, Charlie, Ronan (inventor of the word "conpuger"), Nicholas, and Heather. They put up with me being on the computer creating and fixing things. They wait patiently after school while I repair technology equipment. They let me spend money on "conpugers" and all the stuff that goes with them. These six fabulous humans sacrifice more for this site to be what it is than any others. I love them all very much!!!

Hokanson's Social Studies

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