Neil Hokanson ePortfolio

ITEC 5090 Master's Capstone ePortfolio
Spring 2006
University of Wyoming

My Mask
(ADED 5240, Summer 2005)

The tribes and customs my mask draws symbols and colors come from the Plains Indian tribes. In particular, I am influenced by the Shoshone, Arapahoe, and Yankton Sioux tribes of whom I am most familiar, and I am inclined to draw upon animals from nature that I am personally familiar with where I live and grew up. The coyote, in much of Native American culture, represents duality and the ability to present both sides of an issue. My personal witness of this animal is that it has an active mind, is restless, and always seems to be searching for something new. The goose feathers represent an animal that moves with the seasons and shows a desire for change and varied experience. The beaver skin relates to system, order, and attention to detail as this animal builds its homes and dams, and the raccoon tail identifies with analysis and being inquisitive. The mask as a whole represents patience because each animal must be patient in order to accomplish what it does to survive.

Based on the Kabalarian name analysis my stronger personal traits would produce the following in a mask. The skull of a coyote would represent an active mind and a restless urge to explore new ideas. A desire for change and varied experiences would be shown via goose feathers. Being attuned to system, order, and attention to detail can be identified via a beaver skin, and a raccoon tail would represent being analytical. The mask as a whole would represent patience.


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2004-2006 © Neil Hokanson